A Friend for Punky by Marjorie Hamilton Rose
Punky, the little polecat, was happy in his new home under the hedge near a big house. He could not understand why Missy, the aristocratic yard dog, or Cato, the cat or even the grouchy groundhog who lived in a nearby field, were so rude to him. There was something different about him they did not like. However, when danger approached, they learned that even someone who is different can be a most valuable friend. Paperback
A Lime Says It's Time for a Pickle and a Rhyme by O.K. Reade
A Lime Says It's Time for a Pickle and a Rhyme is a series of independent sentences complemented with illustrations. The purpose of this book is to encourage reading and stimulate readers' imagination enough to write something on their own. Paperback
Accidentally Okay, A Memoir by Jordan Pease
When life hands you lemons, make lemonade. What the overused adage fails to illuminate is the sequence of kitchen mishaps upon juicing those lemons. This Memoir takes the reader on a genuine, quirky, and satirical journey across Europe with Jordan Pease. Paperback
All is What It Is by M.H. Zuntamin
What makes the world what it is? If you are thinking of an answer, then look no
further than this book. "All Is What It Is" is a timeless treasure and an educational
tool that introduces readers of all ages to the idea of what makes the world what it
is. This simple and yet highly entertaining story is about acceptance of all people
that are part of our world and that make it what it is. The author uses metaphors to
welcome diversity and to emphasize that all people are important no matter what
their color, shape, health or size. A must read! Paperback
Am I Still Special by Dr. J. Fallon and Dr. Feltenstein
This book deals with siblings' jealousy in a charming and delicate fashion. The authors have brought to this series a sensitive approach to common day to day problems of growing up in a family. Paperback
Amor, Suenos y Fantasias by Alfredo Romero Espinoza
La coleccion de historias cortas "Amor, suenos y fantasias", esta
basada en historias reales de diferentes personas cuyas vivencias
colindan con la ficcion y sin embargo la sobrepasan. Estas historias
hacen hincapie en las experiencias vitales mas fuertes del ser
humano, el amor y el sexo, y tambien en los suenos, que a veces se
confunden con la realidad y se quedan impregnados para siempre
como un suceso mas de nuestras vidas.Paperback
Black History by Barbara Freeman
Tina and her cousin Gina explore the Black History section of the Public Library. They discover biographies of people of color who overcame slavery, poverty and many other challenges. The cousins are fascinated knowing that the characters are all real with amazing strength and outstanding personalities. Each of their stories is a valuable part of understanding our American History. Tina and Gina put together a collection of twelve biographies to share with you. The collection consists of six females and six males. The girls extended the research to find personal quotes from each individual. Their quotes are located at the end of each biography
Hardbound laminated
Breast Health with Nutribionics by Dr. Romy Roy
Nutribionics unravels the mysteries of Eastern Medicine and nutrition to fight breast cancer by celebrated author Dr. Romi Roy. She developed an improved method of using cancer chemo-therapeutic drug which reduced the side effects. She is actively involved in developing nutrition plans for women's disorders. Paperback,
Buckle Up Little Bunny! by Marianne Ashlin
The character in the book is a happy little bunny whose mother
tells him to buckle up whenever there is a seat belt for him to use.
Little Bunny likes being buckled up in his seat belt; it makes him
feel safe and happy. Before long, Little Bunny begins to buckle up
without being told. This makes Mama Bunny happy too, and that's
what it's all about!
Children will learn to buckle up their own safety belts through a
catchy sentence Mother Bunny repeats whenever there is a seat belt
to use. The activity pages at the end of the story provide children
with some helpful tips to keep themselves safe at home.Paperback
But Mama, How Come Grandpa Gets To? by Carolie Warren
Taking care of elderly parents can be a challenging privilege. The author of this inspiring story experienced four years of doing so and addresses the oft-unspoken question caretakers of the elderly hesitate to ask: 'Why do we uproot so much of our lifestyle for the sake of his?'Mama answers that question for Bronson who realizes that Grandpa is allowed to break the rules that he is expected to follow. This book will encourage families in similar situations Paperback